Industrial Alliance
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I. Introduction

FLEXIBLE ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY INDUSTY ALLANCE ,FETIA is guided and supported by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, through the alliance of member enterprises and industry associations, to take advantage of research cooperation, to accelerate flexible electronic related research of materials, equipment, devices, systems and other core technologies, and to promote the standardization of core technologies and key products in China.

II. Purpose

Based on flexible electronics, flexible electronic devices and the Internet of Things industry, the Alliance will drive the upgrading of consumer electronics, automotive industry, industrial and robotics, biomedical, smart city, smart agriculture and other industries, and help the implementation of the national strategies of 'Made in China 2025', Internet+ and big data.

III. Plan     

The Alliance will cooperate with government departments and industry associations to define the technical applications of flexible electronics and systems in the fields of biomedicine, mobile terminals, automotive electronics, industrial manufacturing and robotics, as well as the consumer electronics industry, to promote the development of the industry in the direction of miniaturization, intelligence, integration and fusion of multiple flexible electronic devices, interconnection and communication, safety, and Green energy efficiency

1, Consumer Electronics: Alliance will make electronics system evaluation standards with the China Electronic business of Commerce and China Wearable Industry Promotion Alliance including flexible electronic device safety evaluation, data cloud, stability and accuracy evaluation, energy consumption, etc.

2. Automotive electronics: Alliance, together with the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers and others will develop evaluation standards for automotive flexible sensing electronic systems including intelligent navigation systems, automated driving, positive safety systems, urban intelligent transportation systems, etc.

3 Biomedical: The alliance, together with the China Medical Devices Industry Association will promote evaluation standards for portable biomedical devices, including: non-invasive blood glucose measurement, exercise and recovery detection, sleep detection, aiming to solve problems for micro sensing technology in the medical industry

4. Industrial manufacturing and robotics: In collaboration with the national "Made in China 2025" plan,  the Alliance will work with the Ministry of Machinery and the China Robotics Industry Alliance to promote industrial flexible sensing electronic technology and system application standards, including embedded MCU, embedded flexible micro-sensing system, flexible electronic device wireless charging, flexible electronic device wireless transmission standards, flexible electronic device data cloud and other technical application standards

IV. Content

The Alliance will, under the guidance and support of relevant government departments, together with other members accelerate the standardization of core technologies and key products of flexible electronics in China.

1. The Alliance will organize enterprise cooperation towards Made in China 2025, integrated circuits and LOT scale applications. The Alliance will work closely with various industry innovation centers to accelerate the research and development of core flexible electronics technologies, including flexible electronic devices, industrial intelligence, and information physical systems (CPS). Cooperation will be organized in the form of project topics including joint cooperation in R&D of new technologies (individual product demand, enterprise spontaneous), enterprise topics for major applications (demand of leading enterprises or Alliance members), and national strategic topics (national demand, major projects).

2. The Alliance will establish expert committees and develops technical standards for the application of flexible electronic devices. The Alliance will set up expert committees including flexible electronic devices technology committee, Internet of Things and communication network technology, energy collection and storage technology committee, etc. The Alliance will develop corresponding technical and application standards: smart home flexible electric standard, flexible electronic device quality inspection standard, flexible electric industrial MCU standard, intelligent medical care system, etc. The Alliance will establish standards for the application of flexible electronic technology and promote the standardization of flexible electronic devices and intelligent systems, consumer electronics, automotive electronics and bio-medical applications.

3. The Alliance will organize the assessment and training of senior technical Talent in short supply for flexible electronics for "Made in China 2025". Cooperate with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security to set up professional titles for flexible electronics talents, and cooperate with the Ministry of Education to promote the curriculum and teaching of flexible electronics in universities and institutes.

4. The Alliance prepares to build a public service platform covering hardware, software, system integration, etc. to serve the Alliance enterprises. Introduce, invest in and incubate enterprises that core and key technologies.

5. The Alliance will carry out various market and technology consulting activities and conduct market analysis. The Alliance will provide consulting services to alliance enterprises and develop long-term strategic plan and industrial layout plans.

6. The Alliance will organize international professional exhibitions, technical seminars and industry summits on a regular period. In addition, the Alliance will conduct international cooperation, training, project consultant, qualification assessment, etc.
