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Seekingtopstart-up projects to build flex electronics industrial park.

1.enterprises or teams engaged in industrialchainof flexible electronics technology.

2.enterprises or teams with new directions of expansion or technical problemsthat need to be overcome urgently.

3.mature entrepreneurial teams in urgent need of funding and policy support.

4.entrepreneurial teams that have obtained patent rights

5. R&D and production that meetenvironmental protection requirements.


1.For projects meeting the talent requirements, they can enjoy rent exemption forone to three years.

2.Enterprises that have moved in can enjoy one-station service such as registration, preferentialgovernment policies and special funds.

3.Assistance in obtaining strategic cooperation funds and government industrialfund support.

4.access to the Institute's technical consultants, technical cooperation andother technical resources support.

5.Talent introduction: assistance in building a top technical team.

6.Provide physical space: meeting the basic conditions,  can enjoy rent-free office space, rent-freefactory buildings, preferential land purchase policies.

7.Joint declaration of projects: national, provincial, municipal and other typesof science and technology projects, and joint declaration of industrial supportprojects.


1.own industrial fund: set up its own flexible electronics industry fund, thescale of the first phase is 1 billion.

2.government supporting industrial fund: angel fund of 200 million and industrialfund of 1 billion, with capital guaranteed exit in accordance with theconditions.

3.South Lake Talent Plan: 1 to 3 million reward support, priority recommendationto declare talent leading plan; combined calculation for higher payment.

4.Jiaxing talent Leading Plan: 2-5 million incentive support.

5.science and technology credit: 1.5 - 5 million credit loan support.

6.purchase subsidy: 100,000-1,000,000 subsidy.

7.strategic cooperation fund: designed for all levels from angel to Pre-IPO, inall directions such as electronics, communication, Internet of Things, newmaterials, intelligent equipment, etc..
