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Weekly News Summary (Sep. 29)

1.Director of Institute Selected into 2018 Innovation Talent Recommendation Plan

Lian Duan, Director of the Institute of Flexible Display and Devices, has been selected into the 2018 Innovation Talent Recommendation Program, and he becomes a leading technology talent in the National Millions of Plan.

Based on the selection criteria given by the National Science Administration, the institute eventually recommended 30 young and middle-aged technology talents, 30 entrepreneurial technology talents, 3 innovation teams in key areas and 3 demonstration bases for innovative talents to this program. Results have been announced on September 17.

2.The Smart Garment Research Center

On September 27, the Smart Garment Research Center is jointly established by six parties in Suzhou. Parties include Institute of Flexible Electronics Technology of THU, Zhejiang, Hengyuanxiang Group, Hitachi Solutions (China) Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Zhirou Technology Co., Ltd., Suzhou University and Donghua University.

In the future, all six parties will work together to discover the field and aim to lead the future human lifestyle by promoting sustainable development of smart apparel.

3.Zhejiang Flexible Electronics Cup

On September 28th, the first global competition of flexible electronics - Zhejiang Flexible Electronics Cup – officially came to an end.

This Cup, hosted by the institute and lasted for two-and-a-half month, aims to explore practical applications of future flexible electronics technology and find innovative design solutions around a specific product.

Competition has been highly competitive - attracting 19 teams from home and abroad, and around 57 contestants came to participate. It sparkles with a number of projects. Among all, the winning design The Industrialization of Flexible Calcium-titanium Solar Cell and Its Devices is the most outstanding.

The excellent projects emerged from this competition will be recommended to participate in the selection of the "South Lake Talents" program of Jiaxing Science and Technology City. Successful participants will receive 1 to 3 million RMB as supporting entrepreneurial funds.

4.Young Doctors selected into a youth fund project

According to the relevant regulations of the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, the selection of the 2019 Provincial Natural Science Foundation project has been completed. 1,734 applications applied to be funded by the Provincial Natural Science Foundation of 2019.

Two young PhD graduates from the institute have been selected into a science youth fund project. Dr. Lanlan Liu, Associate Researcher at the Frontier Research Center, presented Research on Flexible Electronics Integration Process Based on 3D Printing Technology. Dr. Chengyu Zhang, Researcher of Manufacturing Innovation Center Materials, presented Application of Low Temperature Curing Liquefied Silicone Rubber and Its Re-flexible Electronic Packaging.
