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Government officials visit the Institute

On the afternoon of June 21, Zhu Miao, secretary of the Nanhu District Party Committee, visited the Institute of Flexible Electronics Technology of THU, Zhejiang. His companions include Junbo Zhou, Jinrong Chen, Jinhua Shen and Lingzhu Yang.

Xue Feng, Dean of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics, Chen Xin, Director of the Office, and Wang Xian, Minister of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Industry, reported to the research team on the progress of first half of the year and accompanied to inspect the projects of the institute.

Secretary Zhu approved the achievements of the institute for the past six months in three areas, including technology, talents and projects. He also hoped the institute would clarify its development plan and industrial layout and establish a strong executive team. Zhu proposed that a clear development plan is the cornerstone for the development of the institute. A strong executive team is the power for sustainable development. Grasping these two things will be the guarantee for a rapid development and stable advancement of the institute.

For the flexible electronics industry summit to be held in September, Secretary Zhu expressed his hopes but also put forward requirements. He expected the institute to adopt a "two-legged" approach that it would include high-end projects as well as standard projects to lay a foundation for the flexible electronics technology industrial park.

About the visitors

Zhu Miao, secretary of the Nanhu District Party Committee;

Junbo Zhou, deputy head of the Nanhu District;

Jinrong Chen, director of the Science and Technology Bureau;

Jinhua Shen, director of the Economic and Commercial Bureau;

Lingzhu Yang, director of the Science and Technology Bureau of the Science and Technology Bureau.
